
How To Use ismypagecached

ismypagecached is a minimalist page-caching checker tool that is super easy to use. From the main testing screen, all you need to do is enter a webpage URL and click on the “Test” button.

Theres’ an optional HTML code check that you can enable if you want. If you do, the tool will also look into your page’s HTML code for information related to caching. Typically, plugins like W3TC, WP Super Cache, NitroPack, RocketWP, and others can be configured to leave information as HTML comments.

Once you hit the test button, the “Results” section shows clear indications if any known caching was discovered. Typically each Caching Layer describes the layer and whether or not there was a cache “hit” or not.

Every time a new test is performed, the testing date will flash green for a few seconds to visually notify you that a change has occurred. The date itself will change, and that’s another indication that you are looking at fresh data.

And that’s it!

If you’re unsure about the results in the tool, scroll down and take a look at the HTTP headers for yourself. If, for some reason, you think that we’re not properly detecting your page caching based on this information, feel free to add an issue in Github. We’ll do our best to support as many pages caching configurations as possible.

Keep in mind that your system administrator or developer might be hiding the page caching information, and if that’s the case, there’s nothing to detect.

Our goal is to boost developers’ productivity, and we certainly hope that it will make your day a little better.

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